hyperlocal monitoring for air quality differences to cover and more data accuracy

Hyperlocal Monitoring for Air Quality Differences: A New Approach to Cleaner Air

Introduction to Air Quality Differences: Air pollution is a major problem worldwide. In 2024, only seven countries—Australia, New Zealand, Finland, Switzerland, Greenland, Estonia, and Iceland—had air quality that met WHO standards. This means that most countries are struggling with high pollution levels. Some places, like Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India had pollution levels more than 15…

Construction sites in Mumbai

Check-out Air quality monitors mandate for construction sites in Mumbai:

High-tech construction has played a significant role in Mumbai’s development. It has helped by providing residence to a huge population. With it, skyscrapers, complexes and infrastructural development are main attractions in Mumbai. But do you know all these building’s construction comes with sufferings? Yes, the sufferings for the environment and every resident living in the…

Smart Air Quality Monitoring Thumbnail

Why Smart Air Quality Monitoring is necessary for a Healthier Home?

Do you know indoor air pollution has caused many deaths? Data from the WHO shows that an estimated 3.2 million deaths recorded in 2020. And the main cause of these fatalities is indoor air pollution. Moreover, it also stated that indoor air pollution leads to many non-communicable diseases. Such as lung cancer, stroke, Ischaemic heart disease COPD and many more. Hence healthy and fresh air quality is necessary.…