Air quality solutions for Animal Facilities

Advanced air quality solutions to enhance the well-being of animals and staff with research accuracy.

Common Pollutants affecting air quality in Animal Facilities

Animal facilities are highly exposed to various pollutants
that are emitted from different sources.

vocs icon

Particulate Matter

Emits from Dust, dander, bedding particles, and feed etc.

ammonia pollutant


Produced by animal waste especially from urine.

tvoc gas


Emits from cleaning agents, disinfectants, and chemicals.

pathogen icon


Improper storage of feed can produce bacteria, viruses, and fungi

co2 gas icon

Carbon Dioxide

Inadequate ventilation lead to High levels of CO2

Air pollution sources in Animal facilities

Air pollution in animal facilities releases from various internal and external sources.

Farms | Laboratories | Health-care

dust and particles

Dust and

Cleaning Agents and Disinfectants

Cleaning Agents and Disinfectants

Research Activities


Ventilation Systems


Animal Bedding


Animal Dander


Animal Feed


Challenges in Maintaining Air Quality

There are several challenges in maintaining good optimal air quality in animal facilities such as:

Ventilation Systems in animal care center

Ventilation Systems

Poor systems affect the proper ventilation and fail to provide adequate air exchange.

Temperature and Humidity Control in animal care center

Temperature and Humidity Control

It is crucial for animal comfort but outdoor weather conditions can affect the control.

Cross-Contamination in animal facilities


Improper airflow management in animal facilities spreads airborne pollutants between rooms.

Who is at Risk?

Air pollution have significant threat to everyone’s health in animal facilities.

air quality and Animal Health

Animal Health

Poor air quality in any animal facility can cause respiratory distress, infections, and other health issues to animals.

air quality on the health of Staff and farmworkers

Staff and farmworkers

Poor air quality in animal farms, labs, care centers can be harmful to staff health as well which can lead to various health conditions.

air quality studies on Research

Research outcomes

Various air pollutants can affect the outcomes of research as can alter the data or cause invalid conclusions.

Air pollution Guidelines for Animal facilities

Check out different countries guidelines for Air quality in Animal Care Centers


Air quality Solutions

Installing air quality solutions throughout the facility allows for managing the air pollution exposure to staff and animals’ health by providing clean air to breathe. Moreover, it helps in better and more accurate research outcomes.

prana air sensible indoor air quality monitor for animal facilities

Prana Air Sensible+Air quality monitor

Advanced air quality monitor can measures particulate matter, CO2, VOCs, and other pollutants.

  • Real-time air quality monitoring
  • Help in immediate adjustments
  • Monitors Multiple Indoor Pollutants

prana air fresh air machine for animal care falicities

Prana Air Fresh Air Machine

Cutting-edge indoor air purifier to filter out various pollutants and provide clean air for everyone.

  • Removes 99.5% of Indoor Pollutants
  • Covers Up to 1,200 Sq Ft
  • AI-Powered Automatic Airflow

AQI TV app for displaying air quality monitor for animal facilities

Prana Air Customized TV Display

Customized digital display can install in the facilities for 24/7 real-time data visualization.

  • Real-Time Air Quality Data Display
  • Customizable Display Settings
  • Access to Both Indoor and Outdoor Data

The Effects of Air Pollution –Animal facilities

Air quality in animal farm, hospitals and labs is crucial for animal health and accurate research outcomes. Here check the comparison:

Without Air Quality Solutions

  • Poor health and discomfort for animals.
  • High respiratory issues risks for staff.
  • Inaccuracy in researches outcomes.

With Air Quality Solutions

  • Enhanced comfort and health for animals.
  • Reduced staff risk for respiratory issues.
  • Accurate and reliable research results.

Our Clientele

Our partnerships with these renowned organizations reflect our commitment to excellence and innovation.

Get in Touch

lease help us know what requirements you have. Our team will contact you very soon.

Contact Info

Looking for air quality solutions for Animal Care Center?

  • phone iconPhone Number:
    (+91) 73918-73918
  • mail icon Email Address:
  • office location Office Location:
    706, 7th Floor, Sec 10,
    Rohini, Delhi 85, India

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Have questions? We’re here to help.

    Animals, poor ventilation and chemical use in farms, health-care and labs emit various indoor air pollutants such as PM2.5, PM10, VOCs, CO2, NH3 etc.

    Air pollutants can affect research outcomes in labs by contaminating data and resulting in inaccurate measurements that lead to invalid conclusions.

    Air quality monitors and high-quality air purifiers are the best solutions for poor air quality in animal farms, hospitals, care centers and labs.

    Temperature and humidity levels depends on outdoor weather condition that can affect pollution emissions trap more pollutants in facilities and also lead to animal discomfort.

    Industrial Applications

    Prana Air offers a diverse selection of smart, affordable, and remarkably precise air quality solutions, catering
    to various sectors, irrespective of their scale.