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    Prana Air Outdoor PM2.5 Sensor

    Outdoor PM2.5 Sensor 0.00$ 0.00$ Know Moreadd to cart

    Prana Air PM2.5 laser sensor is an industrial grade laser digital PM2.5 sensor. Built in laser and photoelectric receiving module, the principle of light scattering is adopted. The scattered light generated by laser on particles is transtormed from photoelectric receiving device to electrical signal, and then PM2.5 mass concentration and PM10 mass concentration are calculated by specific algorithm.

      PM2.5 and PM10 detection

     Laser sensor with light scattering

     Moisture-proof circuit board

     Anti-dust duct

     Fast detection

    prana air co2 sensor

    Sensor de CO2 Original price was: 54.13$.Current price is: 47.99$. 47.99$ Know Moreadd to cart

    O Sensor de CO2 de dióxido de carbono Prana Air é um sensor NDIR infravermelho para a medição de gás dióxido de carbono. É um sensor altamente preciso, responsivo, energeticamente eficiente e de baixo custo. Este sensor é fácil de integrar e tem estabilidade a longo prazo.

    Características do produto:

    – Faixa: 0-10000 ppm,

    – Tipo de Sensor: Sensor NDIR

    – Resolução: 1 PPM

    – Precisão: ± 200 ppm ± 2%

    prana air ammonia nh3 sensor

    Sensor de Amônia NH3 From: 120.16$ Know Moreadd to cart

    Use Prana Air’s cutting-edge electrochemical sensor, which can detect ammonia concentrations of 50 ppm, to monitor ammonia (NH3).

    prana air chlorine cl2 sensor

    Sensor de Cloro Cl2 From: 120.16$ Know Moreadd to cart

    Prana Air chlorine sensor with 50 ppm of electrochemical technology accurately detects chlorine gas levels. Designed to provide reliable results, this sensor is a cost-effective solution for ensuring workplace safety and compliance. Get yours today and experience peace of mind knowing that you are protected from harmful chlorine gas exposure.

    prana air h2s sensor

    Hydrogen Sulfide H2S Sensor From: 120.16$ Know Moreadd to cart

    Prana Air H2S sensor is an electrochemical sensor that detects hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas upto 50 ppm.

    prana air no2 sensor

    Sensor de dióxido de nitrogênio NO2 From: 120.16$ Know Moreadd to cart

    The NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide sensor has been created with finesse and precision, and finds its applications in:

    • Air Quality Monitoring Equipment
    • Industrial Safety Equipment
    • Automobile Equipment
    • Regulatory Instruments at Power Plants and Oil Refineries
    • Vehicular Emission Detectors and Controlers
    • Gas Detectors for commercial and food manufacturing units
    • Retrofitting devices for DG sets